Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Korean Eat Dog, How About Other Country?

(Sorry, No picture again for raw dog meat. The author feel disgusted)

If you come to Korea, there is a soup called Bushintang which used dog as their meat. Not only that, Korea also used dog as medicine. Weeee, I want to puke.

However, only Korea that got blame for still eating dog meat. This is so unfair. Other country also has a little bit history about this dog meat. Anyway, this post will focus on which country that eat dog meat and why Korea got blame. If you don't wanna read it, it's okay. I feel disgust making and this post too.

So as I said during the class, not only Korea that still eating the dog. Many counties  (mostly from Asia) are still eating dog meat. Indonesia, one of the race called Batak actually still eating the dog meat as a part of their traditional culture. In Vietnam, dog meat still seen as an alternative meat since view food used that. However, the most interesting thing is not only in Asia that enjoy dog meat, but also Switzerland. The people living as farmer still eat dog meat as alternative and usually in special kind of breed. Switzerland has rule to not sell, but you can eat it. In United states, there is a place where people still eat dog meat, if and only if there are no other meal.

If you are looking back to the past, most Europe, American, Africa, Asia, even Australia ate dog meat. During the meat stock crisis, Europe and American started cutting the dog since it's cheaper and more stock than other animal. However after that, they ban the used of dog meat. For example, Germany. On 1986, Germany ban the dog meat in the country even though they ate in the early 19th century. France surprisingly also ate this kind of meat. Also in the past, people use dog meat for a dog itself (since it's cheaper). Cannibalism at the best.

So why Korea is blame? Among all developed country, Korea is the only country who 60% of population ate dog meat once in his life and even 2% eat regularly. Not like Germany, Korea see this as culture not as the food shortage. Thus, this tradition is till going on until now and even people still defending this believe. Based on the last survey, most Korean even doesn't care about the ban of dog meat. Even though I have religion that forbid me from eating dog, if Korean think this meat is a part of culture not food shortage like Germany,  I believe that Korean need to be one and defend this culture together. Who else going to defend your culture if it's not you. The only thing that I don't agree is how they cut it. Killing animal by crushing, beating, or suffocation is crazy. If you want to eat a meat, you should give them a fast and painless death, not a torture like Korean did to the dog. Anyway regarding dog meat, I don't wanna imagine that again, and it's up to you about banning or not banning it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Fahmi, Thank you for sharing your blog. Very good work for seeing different aspects of dog meats from different countries. I feel you are a global person who think globally. You know how many countries eat meats, especially dog meat. Please quote if you use sentences or words from other souces. Reference is important. I totally agree that animal abuse is a serious problem. Please make your own interpretative idea differently beyond our classroom's discussion. I look forward to reading your next blogging. From AI Yoon Dol Youm
